Sound factory with audio cassettes by Faktura
Please, tell us about your activity at the present time
We are publishing music by the artists from Ural Federal District – Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk or it’s districts. We usually make tape releases, but recently, we start using bandcamp as a digital platform for releases. And we also making parties.
It’s interesting to know about the way you have passed for the creation of tape music label and events organisation at Ural region?
Our first “event” was a stage at the annual festival Ural Music Night (UMN). At that time there were ideas about organisation of music label. But first tapes (it was compilation КОНСТРУКТ) we prefered to release with UMN as a merch. Preparing for the festival has taken about 4 months. After it we had got some unsold tapes and we decided to develop a music label.
Closer to autumn we started work at our second compilation Формула В. In honor of the release we make a local party – not so much people, mostly community members and friends. That was a beginning.
Is any especial trait makes Urals underground scene more severe? What places in Ekaterinburg you can mark and advise to visit?
I can’t say about all region but in Ekaterinburg the bar Мизантроп is impersonation of Urals underground. Also there is bar Syndrome with interesting music. Guys from promotion bureau ТЕСНОТА organizes very cheerful and nice events in our city among different places. For example, at National Center for Contemporary Art (NCCA) or at abandoned factory – no location limits is better to say. Also Oberton и NOISEFISHIN’‘s parties are necessarily to visit. But if we sum, everything is not so rosy, it’s not enough of interesting artists ready to visit our places
If we talk about releases, what you can say about first release – how it was and how much motivation you have got after it?
If we talk about material, our first tape turned out very different. The cover was not perfect for us, but one of the track from this compilation (Cardmoth – Femme Fatale) unexpectedly was bought and published by the owner of youtube channel – Slav
Because that the second compilation was got together with double-quick.
Last question: what is your plans for 2018?
We are actively preparing now for the second Ural Music Night, which have place to be on June 29. You could hear experimental sounding in Yekaterinburg Gallery of Modern art – “anonymous improvisations”. In the second half of the year we are planning to pelease 4 tapes at least and settle firmly on Apple Music, Google Play etc. Also some interesting parties are preparing.
Урал – нифига себе))