Lis Sarroca - weloficast 131

Lis Sarroca – interview and weloficast 131

Lis Sarrocawe know her as a DJ and producer , she’s been getting better acquainted with her studio gear, buying more records, going through her records, playing her records, thinking about her records… such is the lockdown life of the DJ.

An accomplished producer, Sarroca has released what she calls her “danceable, energetic, deep and warm”music on Kerri Chandler’s Madhouse and Mobilee, has put out three excellent EPs on Hot Haus, *sinnmusik and House Cookin Records this year and her sombre deep house piano track Parquime has just been included on a Seven Villas compilation.

DJing came first for Sarroca, who began gigging in 2007 but only started producing in 2014. Since then she has developed a classy, sophisticated house sound. Her synths are expansive: broad pad sweeps, bold melody lines and interlinking chimes and pad tones all work together in her cleanly produced tracks. There’s plenty of Detroit references in some of her synth sounds – one of her earliest productions, Melograph from 2018, matches a killer acid bassline with some unselfconsciously Detroit stabs to superb effect – and while some of her tracks are definitely in that tradition, her beats often take their cues from the classic US house template.

As we know from

We also ask her a couple of questions:

You have a lot of releases – that’s definitely took a lot of time. May you tell as a story how and why did you come to music?

I was around 21 years old, finishing college and a bit bored, I wanted to have a new hobby as before I was playing on a basketball team and decided to quit. Djing with my friends became the best thing to do on weekends and I devoted my time on making mixes and listening to a lot of music. Definitely, it was electronic music what hit me on that time.

How much should one vinyl cost in your opinion? That’s a interesting question nowadays as record albums are covering a wide range of music. And a lot of people ownselves aware that some records are valuable – among both casual music fans and strong vinyl collectors.

I think 10€ is a fair price for 3-4 tracks.

What you can say about hype genres in the electronic underground nowdays?

Hype genres are a great thing nowadays; it’s a good way to give more visibility to new and smaller artists and labels. It also gives more opportunities to whole industry and lets people and listeners discover more underground music.

Interview and podcast by Lis Sarroca

Russia is a large country with a lot of electronic artists in its suburbs. Nowadays we have a strange period in our country’s life – politics, pandemic, protests movements etc. Such moods cannot remain unnoticed and are reflected in music. But I don’t want to say that the local music has taken on a negative and gloomy tone. Instead, there was a shake-up in the musical trends, which gave a new impetus to development. Maybe you have any favorite Russian producer?

Low Tape and Andrey Pushkarev. I discovered Low Tape a few years ago, when I was listening to his release on Nerang Recordings. I love playing his tracks, they have a great energy.

Andrey Pushkarev – I listened live his dj set this spring and he blow me, then I dig more on his productions, he is top producer and label manager.

Hah, good choise. And what you think about the future of clubs in 2050?

I think there will be some artificial intelligence for sure, but I believe that the essence of the human being still be present in some way. I think we would have more technology on listening/hearing things. That would go directly to out bodies, ears and brains. No matter where you are standing in the club. I also think about virtual clubs. If you are at home for instance and you want to experiment being on a club you can wear a dress and use headphones to feel almost everything and also other people around you.

Thank you for this words and continuation of our podcast for the community – Lis Sarroca – weloficast 🙂

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By the way her mixtape for our community performs as a deep electronic story that needs to be told. House grooves rub shoulders with low-slung-robotronik over electronix paradise. Like a fully on the path, you march toward a future of unabashed romantic music expression.

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  • House Cookin Records
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  • House Cookin Records
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