Suburban love story by Кассета

Suburban love story by Кассета

In the music of the artist Кассета (or KASSETE) we can see a wide palette of genres is blended – hip-hop alongside punk, electro with breakbeats and rap, alternative music. This blended genre feature we can see in each track. Кассета – ПЛЕНКУ ПЕРЕМОТАЙ as a great example <3

As for the visual aspect, their first video, titled “ПЛЕНКУ ПЕРЕМОТАЙ” or “Rewind the Tape,” was a real hit. This psychedelic video takes viewers on a journey into a world of hallucinations, post-Soviet security guards, and Lovecraftian nightmares, and it stood out so much that it received an award at the Berlin Music Awards for “Best Animation Video.” Prior to that, Kasseta had received the Jager Music Awards in 2018.

Anyway, we’re talking about cassettes, but this time it’s about a different kind. The artist known as Кассета a former graffiti artist and a student at the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (VGIK or ВГИК), creates eclectic hip-hop infused with elements of house groove and electro, and produces memorable music videos. Kassete collaborated with the beatmaker Dopefisher on their debut album, simultaneously exploring genre boundaries.

Recently, Kassette released a fresh video with title “Купидон” (or Cupid). The video evokes the obscure and familiar vibe of Russian provincial life. It tells the story of Cupid, who wanders the world in human form, spreading love and joy, but also causing side effects that make people nauseous with pink slime (yes).

This is what Kassete says about his music

EN: “When you’re Cupid, and your superpower is to unlock love in people’s hearts, it’s a profession. Like the old saying goes: ‘The cobbler’s children have no shoes,’ and our pink hero, the stone-faced Cupid, has been spreading the ultimate wonder for millennia. Yet, he remains alone. From the outside, it may seem like a never-ending party as he dances through the neighborhood. But, in reality, it’s a day of déjà vu.”

RU: “Когда ты купидон, и твоя суперсила вскрывать в сердцах любовь – это профессия. Как в старой доброй поговорке: сапожник остается без сапог, так и наш розовый герой, Купидончик с каменным лицом, уже тысячелетиями распространяет главное чудо. А сам одинок. Со стороны покажется, что его жизнь праздник, он, пританцовывая, слоняется по районую Но, скорее, это день сурка”

By the way, toy can check more news here <3